Future Of Asia
Sensor In rich countries like Germany or the UK it is only 1 in 100 who is employed in agriculture. Similarly, productivity gains makes it possible to reduce the agricultural land needed to feed a given number of people. Both inland fish farming and urban vertical farming—though niche operations compared with Midwestern soyabean cultivation or Scottish sea-loch salmon farms—are waves of the future in the service of gustatorially sophisticated urbanites. And in these businesses, the idea of farm as factory is brought to its logical conclusion. Do this successfully, Dr Post reckons, and the cost would fall to $65 a kilogram. Dr Fahrenkrug has also been working on a famous mutation that increases muscle mass. Self-guiding agricultural machinery such as that sold by John Deere is all but robotic already. It is like an airliner, in which the pilot usually has little to do between landing and take-off because computers do the work for him. Yet Deere has no plans to hand over complete con...